Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Review: Mars Attacks #1

To be perfectly honest I never did watch the movie I thought it tacky and stupid funny. Things that well aren’t really on my radar, granted I am familiar with enough to know that it did make quite an impact upon pop culture.

So when I had the chance to take a sneak peek at IDW’s first issue of a new ongoing series for the franchise I thought yeah okay. It kind of has this serious campiness to it that actually makes it charming. John Layman does enough in this preview to make me want to pick up the first issue just to see what else is in there.

I absolutely adored how the astronaut in his space module in the sixties is space bumped by the alien we saw crash land and be taken by two rednecks who want to get a hunnert bucks for it to buy burgers.

I think the appeal here will be that serious campiness, which is part of the reason I adore Saturday nights and SyFy original movies. During the first segment I thought this was going to take more of a War of the Worlds take till I realized it was General Zar dreaming after he’d crash landed. I like how each segment took place at around the same time but bled into each other in an order that made sense.

Perhaps I need to go out and look to see what else Mr. Layman has written and quite possibly become a fan of his work. If this is any indication I think he has talent and we should take a moment to check him out.

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