Oz's 2-Cent reviews
Oz reviews Suicide Squad #1, Green Lantern Corps #1, Nightwing #1, Red Hood and the Outlaws #1, Blue Beetle #1, Wonder Woman #1, Legion of Super-Heroes #1 and X-Factor #225
Green Lantern Corps #1 - Ridiculously entertaining issue. The violence in this series has been turned up to 11 and I actually found myself actually liking John Stewart! Finally, Pasarin's art has evolved wonderfully, something I knew he had the potential for since I saw his work for the first time on Tomasi's short OUTSIDERS run.
Wonder Woman #1 - Azzarello changes the game here for WW. I felt like I was watching an action-suspense movie and Diana is defined to be engaging and sexy unlike her usual uptight, overly moral, better-then-thou attitude having self. Also, there were many WTF moments only in the greatest of ways. Never thought I would EVER say this but I am onboard for a Wonder Woman ongoing.
Red Hood and The Outlaws #1 - Awesome dialogue and great character interaction with a touch of it being mystically mysterious by the end, this book had A LOT to offer. Plenty of humour to boot, Lobdell really knows how define outcasts. On the other hand, Starfire's new outlook and personality were a little offensive and left me shocked. I'll be back next month though.
Suicide Squad #1 - Left out of my pile last week, I get a chance to look at Harley Quinn's rag-tag group of assassins and murderous deviants. I have to say that although I really liked this issue and the ending surely packed a solid punch, the writing itself was a touch on the weak side. It kept itself together enough though to earn a second issue.
Nightwing #1 - Sorry Nightwing but no. First fail of the new pile and it's really a shame because I love me some Eddy Barrows art not to mention Richard Grayson. The set-up though was just not satisfying, there was nothing really unique that caught my attention and makes me want to further explore this title. Too much monologue and not enough motivation. Strike 5 DCnU.
Blue Beetle #1 - Wow, that was A LOT of spanish. Although I can see the necessity in what Bedard was doing in this issue, it just wasn't enough. I understand that comic books (especially these days) don't have a very impressive page count and the writer has to work with what he's got, this just wasn't great. This was almost going to be a strike until I saw Brotherhood and mentions of Mallah and the Brain, two names that were enough to save the comic, but barely. Better shape up next month.
Legion of Super-Heroes #1 - THIS is how you write a Legion book! Seems like Levitz can do it in his sleep. Although I felt like I missed something from an earlier story-arc, the book was still entertaining and reminded me of all the things which make me love the Legion. Also, all the academy cadets being upgraded to Legionaries was refreshing and I look forward to exploring them further. Victory.
X-Factor #225 - I'm truly happy to have returned to the pages of PAD's X-Factor, the comic that just doesn't know how to fail. Longshot totally stole the show this issue and a particular scene/dialogue with Shatterstar and him completely teased me to no ends. Also I should note that the protagonist of this issue seemed to know a lot about the nature of the members involved in the dispatched mini teams, calling Jamie a "conduit" and Layla an "acolyte". Not a lot happened in this issue but plenty was said to the further the mysteries of X-Factor. Super glad to be back.
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