Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Review: Dark Horse Reviews!

buffy 9 - 5
Somehow I got my solicitations mixed up, and as I went to put together the reviews for this week, I realised I had posted all of this week's Dark Horse reviews last week! so here they all are:

Buffy Season 8 #5

Remember issue 5 of Buffy Season 8? Where Buffy has a dream where a fairy thing invades her dreams? Well the fairy is back! It seems like Joss and crew decided they were onto a winner. This time the fairy hijacks Buffy’s dreams through the First Slayer. This issue continues to establish the direction the ‘season’ is going, and the first slayer reveals to Buffy and Willow that there is a chance that magic can be restored to the world, after Buffy eradicated it at the end of season 8.
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The Strain #2
The standard of segueing from one story to the next, as well as keeping abreast a decent pace of intrigue and shock, are all held intact via the key factor of eerie mystery. Lapham's script is playing out nicely, as horror folk pander to the ensuing malevolence and anguish being built to. Sure it's slow at times, but now the story gets more cohesive and precise in its aim.
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Orchid #4
I am not sure if Tom Morello had any hand in the plotting or writing of this book.  If no, then this guy is really talented. Not only is he a gifted and successful musician, he also knows how to write comics.  I came into this knowing nothing about the book.  But when I was done, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of reading it.
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Dark Matter #1
It's quite impressive to see inklings of BSG, Star Trek, Star Wars and some Joss Whedon-esque space snippets come into play as influence is tied in to issue 1. The complexity and total amnesiac element adds an eerie and mysterious texture to boost the intrigue of the book.
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The Occultist #3
Probably, no.. I am quite sure that this is my favorite from this bunch of reviews!  I enjoyed this comic so much even though I cam late to the party.  I find the concept very original and exciting.  Very fresh and well done.  I get a Spider-Man/ Invincible vibe when I read this and probably, that’s one of the highest compliment I can give to a comic.  The art on this comic is awesome.
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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: War #1
I love how Zayne Carrick, the protagonist of this comic, a Jedi that is not really your usual Jedi, is smack dab in the middle of the Mandalorian Wars.  A pacifist by nature, and originally treated by his peers as a bumbling comic relief, I love how he is the total opposite of the militaristic Mandas.
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Star Wars: Agent of the Empire #2
In my previous review of a Star Wars, I revealed my love for the Star Wars expanded universe.   And moving on to this comic, I am very happy to be treated with more!  This is a whole new take on the Star Wars mythos.  It’s fresh.  It’s exciting.  It’s new.  A secret agent, Agent Cross is the Star Wars Universe's answer to James Bond.
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